15 October 2013 Migration Report

Decent but not spectacular.  You know we are on the back side of the peak when, under ideal conditions, we only see patches of heavy migration.  There are still a lot of birds on the move, just not at green doughnut levels.  So, now that i have said that i’m sure the birds will prove me wrong.  I’m OK with that.

They have the opportunity and excellent conditions to do so for the next few days.  The current ridge will be getting squished in the next 12 to 24 hours so there’s some iffyness to the upcoming flight tonight.  It looks like the winds will still have a lot of northerly component so those headed southbound with urgency can still get a bit of a free ride.  They may just have to deal with being pushed a bit to the west.  However, this ridge looks like it is being replaced with another.  With a center well above the 49th parallel  it should give us at least a few more days of migration friendly conditions.

Here are the links to last night’s radar loops

Base Reflectivity - Portland (KRTX)
Base Velocity - Portland (KRTX)
HCA - Portland (KTRX)

Base Reflectivity - Gray's Harbor (KLGX)
Base Velocity - Gray's Harbor (KLGX)
HCA - Gray's Harbor (KLGX)

Base Reflectivity - Seattle (KATX)
Base Velocity - Seattle (KATX)
HCA - Seattle (KATX)

Here is Paul’s archived National Composite.

Here is the weather gallery: